See What Waren Buffet Says

Friday, September 4, 2009

Information For Guests

In my opinion, nothing can beat TVI’s business plan. So, hurry now and get involved or get run over. Remember it’s a first mover advantage thing.

Now having said that, I have started building my own network right from now. You are privileged to get this first hand information before the pre-launch of the program. I have a plan to cycling out several team members on the program within the first one week of the program. You can be one of them.

I have devised my own strategy and so, I’m calling on you to be part of this before other people gets in.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    If you are associated with TVI i am having some evoucher i want to sell it as i am in need.

    contact me at:
    thereafter i will go further.


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